Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Welcome to the 2013-2014 School Year!

Welcome back everyone!  I hope your summer was as good as it was short!  I am hoping that this blog and our class Facebook page will serve as great tools for you to utilize in order to stay up to date with what is going on in class currently.  Here are a few helpful hints to get you started in using the blog:

1) The "Assignments" Tab:
Here you will be able to find documents that I have uploaded via Google Drive.  Documents could include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Homework
  • Lecture Presentations
  • Review Guides
  • Project Packets/Rubrics
  • DBQ Resources
  • Screencasts of Lectures
To fully utilize these documents, I would highly suggest creating an account through Google, which you may do by following this link:  Google Account Creation

2) The "Contact Information" Tab:
Here you can find all contact information for me, including my school email, my school phone extension, and a link to access my Twitter page and our class Facebook page.  

3) The "Follow @mrmcgaughey" Twitter Icon:
Click this to be directly routed to my Twitter account, which you can follow for class announcements and links to current happenings in American Government.  

4) The "Follow By Email" Icon:
Enter your email address here to follow this blog via email.  

As I continue to grow the blog throughout the year, I will continuously post tutorials on how to utilize the new features of the site.  Thanks for reading everyone, I'm looking forward to a GREAT school year and I hope you are too!

- Mr. McGaughey

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